May 14 – 17, 2024
SD Mines
US/Mountain timezone

Optical readout of large scale dual-phase liquid Argon TPCs with the ARIADNE technology

May 14, 2024, 5:40 PM
CB 204 E (SD Mines)

CB 204 E

SD Mines

Oral DUNE Phase II DUNE Phase 2 - Parallel


Kostas Mavrokoridis (University of Liverpool)


Optical readout of large scale dual-phase liquid Argon TPCs is an attractive and cost effective
alternative to charge readout. Following the successful demonstration of 3D optical readout with
the ARIADNE 1-ton detector, the ARIADNE+ experiment was deployed using the
protoDUNE “cold box” at the CERN neutrino platform imaging a much larger active region of
2mx2m. ARIADNE+ uses 4 Timepix3 cameras imaging the S2 light produced by 16 novel glass THGEMs. ARIADNE+ takes advantage of the raw Timepix3 data coming natively
3D and zero suppressed with a 1.6 ns timing resolution. Cosmic muon events were recorded successfully at stable conditions providing the first demonstration for its use in kton scale experiments such as DUNE. Following these successful results, a proposal to instrument NP02 ProtoDUNE cryostat is in preparation and the design is advancing.

Primary author

Kostas Mavrokoridis (University of Liverpool)

Presentation materials