May 14 – 17, 2024
SD Mines
US/Mountain timezone

Invited Plenary Speakers






Krishan Mistry UTA Neutrinoless double decay overview
Andreas Piepke University of Alamba Double beta decay search experiments
Aobo Li  UC San Diego Machine learning in particle physics
Julia Gehrlein Colorado State University Neutrino theory overview
Kevin Wood LBNL DUNE experiment and brief T2K/NOvA results
Brandon Eberly University of Southern Maine Short baseline experiments: MicroBooNE + brief SBND+ICARUS status
Daniel Pershey FSU Overview of supernova and solar neutrinos
Joshua Berger Colorado State University Dark Matter overview
Danielle Norcini  Johns Hopkins Low-Mass Particle Dark Matter Experiments
Jingke Xu LLNL Liquid noble technology
Stephen Hughes CTO, Integrated Biorefining Corporation Automated industrial platform for fuel ethanol production
Daniel Robertson University of Notre Dame Nuclear Astrophysics Underground – Status of CASPAR
David Radford ORNL Advanced Germanium Detectors for LEGEND
Linyan Wan Fermilab Status of Proton Decay Searches
Sowjanya Gollapinni  LANL Overview of DUNE Phase II
Daniel Robertson University of Notre Dame Nuclear Astrophysics Underground – Status of CASPAR
Jaret Heise SURF The Sanford Underground Research Facility