May 14 – 17, 2024
SD Mines
US/Mountain timezone

Nucleon Decay Searches in JUNO

May 15, 2024, 3:00 PM
CB 204 W (SD Mines)

CB 204 W

SD Mines

Oral Proton Decay Proton Decay - Parallel


Cailian Jiang (Nanjing University)


The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton multipurpose underground liquid scintillator (LS) detector currently under construction in China, with a 650-meter rock overburden (1800 m.w.e.) for shielding against cosmic rays. One of the capabilities of JUNO detector is to search for the baryon number violation processes, which would be a crucial step towards testing the Grand Unified Theories and explaining the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. The nucleon decay provides
a direct observation of baryon number violation and has been the focus of many experiments over the past several decades. The JUNO LS target consists of about 88% 12C and 12% 1H. The large LS detector of JUNO has a distinct advantage in detecting nucleon decay, with high energy resolution 3% and an excellent energy threshold of 0.7 MeV. For proton decay, the mode p → νK is one of two dominant decay
modes predicted by a majority of GUTs, with expected sensitivity at τ /B(p → νK¯
+) > 9.6 × 1033 yr after 10 years of data taking. Meanwhile, neutron invisible decay has two modes, n → inv and nn → inv, prevalent in some new physics models. After 10 years of data taking, the JUNO expected sensitivities at a 90% confidence level are τ /B(n → inv) > 5.0 × 1031 yr and τ /B(nn → inv) > 1.4 × 1032 yr. Both decays will exceed the corresponding current best limits.

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