May 14 – 17, 2024
SD Mines
US/Mountain timezone

Radiopure flexible cables for rare-event physics detectors

May 16, 2024, 4:40 PM
CB 204 E (SD Mines)

CB 204 E

SD Mines

Oral Dark Matter Dark Matter


Nicole Rocco (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Readout cables for signal sensors are a fundamental component of rare event searches for dark matter and neutrinoless double beta decay. While they possess unique electrical and mechanical properties, polyimide-based flexible cables can be a significant contributor to the total detector background, due to their relatively high content of long-lived primordial radionuclides like 238U and 232Th and their progeny, as well as 40K. Commercially-available flexible cables have 232Th and 238U measured in the mBq/kg range, making them incompatible with the stringent levels required for ultralow background next-generation rare event detectors.
In previous work, we investigated and successfully sourced low-background (µBq/kg) copper-polyimide laminates which serve as the starting material for flexible cable manufacturing. However, even when starting with low-background materials, cable manufacturing processes result in finished cables several orders of magnitude higher in radioactivity (mBq/kg range) due to contamination during processing. In collaboration with a commercial cable manufacturer, we completed a systematic investigation of the manufacturing process and alternative materials. We then developed a cleaning method that reduced the radioactivity levels of the final cables from mBq/kg to nearly that of the starting laminate – a few tens of µBq/kg. In this work, we have rigorously tested our cleaning method and are incorporating the method on a commercial scale. In addition, we are investigating multi-layer impedance-controlled cables and superconducting cables in our quest for the highest functioning and most radiopure cables commercially available.

Primary author

Nicole Rocco (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Isaac Arnquist (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Maria Laura di Vacri (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Richard Saldanha (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) Tyler Schlieder (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Presentation materials