May 14 – 17, 2024
SD Mines
US/Mountain timezone

Overview of Nucleon Decay

May 15, 2024, 8:30 AM
CB 204 E&W (SD Mines)

CB 204 E&W

SD Mines

Oral Proton Decay Plenary: Undiscovered Decays


Dr Linyan Wan (Fermilab)


Baryon number is not necessarily an exact symmetry in Nature, and its violation is deeply connected to topics such as the grand unification theories, the supersymmetry, and the baryon asymetry in our universe.So far, baryon number violation has yet to be detected. This talk discusses recent experimental approaches and future prospects towards baryon number violation processes including nucleon decay and neutron-antineutron oscillation.

Primary author

Dr Linyan Wan (Fermilab)

Presentation materials