Sep 14 – 15, 2021
US/Mountain timezone


SURF Long-Term Vision Workshop

Sep 14, 2021, 9:00 AM


Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Kevin Lesko (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory), Mr Mike Headley (Sanford Underground Research Facility)
9/14/21, 9:00 AM
Dr Ed Blucher (University of Chicago)
9/14/21, 9:05 AM
Dr Josh Klein (University of Pennsylvania)
9/14/21, 9:35 AM
Dr Derek Elsworth (Pennsylvania State University)
9/14/21, 10:05 AM
Dr Paul Scovell (Boulby Underground Laboratory)
9/14/21, 10:35 AM
Dr Oliver Buchmueller (Imperial College London)
9/14/21, 11:05 AM
Dr Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)
9/14/21, 11:35 AM
Dr Hunter Knox (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
9/14/21, 12:05 PM
Dr Steve Elliott (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/14/21, 12:35 PM
Dr Lindley Winslow (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9/14/21, 1:05 PM
Kevin Lesko (LBNL), Mike Headley (Sanford Underground Research Facility)
9/15/21, 9:00 AM
Dr Barbara Sherwood-Lollar (University of Toronto)
9/15/21, 9:05 AM
Dr Ani Aprahamian (University of Notre Dame)
9/15/21, 9:35 AM
Dr Michael Wiescher (University of Notre Dame)
9/15/21, 10:05 AM
Dr Charles Fairhurst (University of Minnesota (Emeritus)/Itasca Consultants)
9/15/21, 10:35 AM
Dr Prisca Cushman (University of Minnesota)
9/15/21, 11:05 AM
Dr David Moore (Yale University)
9/15/21, 11:35 AM
Dr Joseph Formaggio (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9/15/21, 12:05 PM
Dr Matt Pyle (University of California, Berkeley)
9/15/21, 12:35 PM
Deb Wolf (Sanford Underground Research Facility)
9/15/21, 1:05 PM
Building timetable...