June 17, 2024 to July 19, 2024
Lead/Deadwood Middle School
US/Mountain timezone

TALK: Decoding the Mystery of Dark Matter with Celestial Objects (Speaker: Anupam Ray)

Jun 21, 2024, 3:00 PM
Lead/Deadwood Middle School

Lead/Deadwood Middle School

(0.3 miles, 7 min walk from hotel)


Anupam Ray (UC, Berkeley)


Dark Matter (DM) remains mysterious. Despite decades of experimental and theoretical efforts, its microscopic identity is still unknown to us. In this talk, I will walk you through how a variety of celestial objects can be utilised as powerful DM detectors. This astrophysical probe, complementary to the terrestrial and cosmological probes, covers a significant portion of the DM parameters (DM mass and its interaction strength with nucleons) which are otherwise remains elusive.

Presentation materials