June 19, 2023 to July 14, 2023
Lead/Deadwood Middle School
US/Mountain timezone

Lighter QCD Axion

Jul 7, 2023, 10:00 AM
Lead/Deadwood Middle School

Lead/Deadwood Middle School

(0.3 miles, 7 min walk from hotel)


Kunfeng Lyu (University of Minnesota)


We propose a model to realize the lighter QCD axion. Exploiting the mirror sector, the minimum position of the total potential is still at origin which does not spoil the solution to the strong CP problem. The axion mass can be reduced by tuning the amplitude of the potential from the mirror sector. There are interesting phenomenology during the cosmological evolution history. The parameter space to produce the correct dark matter relic abundance can be probed in the future experiments.

Primary author

Kunfeng Lyu (University of Minnesota)


Raymond Co (University of Minnesota) Prof. Tony Gherghetta (University of Minnesota) Mr Zhen Liu (University of Minnesota)

Presentation materials

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