June 19, 2023 to July 14, 2023
Lead/Deadwood Middle School
US/Mountain timezone

Using Neutrinos to understand our Earth's Interior

Not scheduled
Lead/Deadwood Middle School

Lead/Deadwood Middle School

(0.3 miles, 7 min walk from hotel)


Carsten Rott (University of Utah)


The unknown constituents of the interior of our home planet have provoked the human imagination and driven scientific exploration. In the near future, it might be possible to better determine the Earth’s chemical composition by combining observations from large neutrino detectors with seismic measurements of the Earth’s matter density and data from high-pressure experiments. The talk will discuss the potential of using neutrino absorption and neutrino oscillation tomography to determine the Earth matter density, and Earth's interior composition, respectively. We will further discuss how Earth interior models impact uncertainties on neutrino oscillation parameters and how to quantify them better.

Primary author

Carsten Rott (University of Utah)

Presentation materials

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