Jun 14 – 17, 2022
South Dakota Mines
US/Mountain timezone


Update September 5, 2023: The LRT2022 proceedings have been published and are available from the publisher's website: https://pubs.aip.org/aip/acp/issue/2908/1 

Following LRT tradition, the workshop will have AIP Conference Proceedings, with both on-line (for one year) and hardcopy (softcover) proceedings provided to all workshop participants.  Guidance, templates in LaTex (overleaf) or word, and copyright release forms are available  at https://aip.scitation.org/apc/authors/preppapers . 

We do not plan to enforce strict page limits on articles for the proceedings.  However, we recommend the following standards.  We suggest 4 pages for posters, 5-6 pages for standard (15-minute) presentations, and 6-8 pages for review (longer) presentations.  These guidelines are similar to page limits for recent LRT workshops.

All manuscript submissions must include a signed copyright release form, included in the AIP Conference Proceedings author download templates. Manuscripts lacking an accompanying copyright release will not be published.  Use the webform on this indico page to submit both your paper and the copyright release form (the webform will allow you to submit multiple files).  Editors of the Proceedings (needed for the copyright form) are Jaret Heise and Richard Schnee.

Please review your submissions carefully for content, layout, and writing quality. Please consider using an editorial service if needed.

For the first time, submissions to the LRT proceedings will undergo peer review.  Each paper author of rank post-doc or higher will be expected to referee two other submissions.  We will assign papers to peer reviewers based on expertise while avoiding conflicts of interest. Expectations for peer review are at https://aip.scitation.org/apc/organizers/peerreview .  We will use this indico website for Paper Peer Reviewing as well.

For your reference, prior LRT proceedings can be found here:

LRT 2004: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/785/1

LRT 2006: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/897/1

LRT 2010: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1338/1

LRT 2013: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1549/1

LRT 2015: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1672/1

LRT 2017: https://aip.scitation.org/toc/apc/1921/1