Jun 2021 User Assoc Exec Cmte Mtg

Webex - see link (Virtual)

Webex - see link


Meeting link: https://lanl-us.webex.com/lanl-us/j.php?MTID=ma6355f7be1f24765c0e66d97bce8bbdd Meeting number: 177 768 1477 Password: Je36HGfbHn4

Meeting link:
Meeting number:
177 768 1477

User Association (SURF Public Website):

User Association (DocuShare):

Ralph Massarczyk
    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Meeting Agenda Items/Discussion 1h
      1. Approval of last meetings minutes.
      2. Vote on membership changes in the charter (see attached document)
      3. General Meeting. We talked about a date in September.
        • Suggest: 9/28/2021.
        • Fall semester mostly starts end of August, this should give us enough time into the semester that things have settled.
        • We have to decide this meeting to fix the date and plan
      4. Snowmass planning.
        • We have to invite UG Facilities conveners (and possibly others) to plan working group meetings to piggyback on Fall General meeting.
      5. Other community planning meeting out beyond the Snowmass high-energy/nuclear physics process.
        • We need your input here, on what other meetings come up where SURF should be present. (e.g DOE tonscale 0vbb)
      6. User feedback discussion
      7. Communication tools
      8. Any other business